Mariya also switches to Alya and makes a face that the software doesn't copy. Andrea and Renae control Alya, Renae annoyed that Alya always has her mouth open. Mariya controls Zyraxes as well and comments that they go way back, saying that they killed dragons back in the day. Renae converses with Zyraxes, calling the symbols on his hood hearts, Zyraxes correcting her, "saying" that they are symbols. The video begins with Mackenzie using Esera and impersonating Andrea, while Andrea uses Esera to make a sexual joke. It as Mariya, Renae, Andrea, and Mackenzie participating in the video. The second part was uploaded on May 4th, 2015 and was the 284th video uploaded onto the channel. Molly controls Hunter and closes the video, trying to make him look intimidating, but can't make him do the face, saying it looks like he's having a stroke. Renae continues to control Midori and has a conversation with her about Midori's mouth. Mackenzie switches back to Ardalys and does a long screech, she then comments that they should just use the avatar as a substitute for her. Renae controls Midori and has her be spoiled, wanting different things, Renae jokingly saying that that's what girls do. Sydney switches to Lava Baron and comments on its appearance, as Mackenzie switches to Fluffo and adores it. Renae switches to Lava Baron and is taken aback by its appearance, as Mackenzie switches to Zyraxes and says different spells. Molly switches to Zyraxes and attempts to have him sing, but he too doesn't sync up to her singing.

Renae then sees the tomatoes in Lord Burger's mouth, saying that she likes tomatoes and says that it shouldn't tempt her with its tomatoes. Renae continues to use Lord Burger and wants to take a bite of it, Lord Burger "saying" she can't since it's a live being. Molly switches to Kaiser Kitty as well and attempts to make it do a menacing face but to no avail. Mackenzie switches to Kaiser Kitty and adores its cuteness. She tries again with a different song, but the lips doesn't sync as well, annoying Molly. Molly controls Lava Baron and attempts to sing with him, but his lips does not sync. Renae switches to Lord Burger and opens and closes her mouth, she then comments that it feels weird moving her mouth so much. Molly controls Machy and purrs, while Mackenzie continues to control Floren, open her mouth really wide. Renae also switches to Floren and is surprised, noticing Floren's teeth. She then switches to Floren and is taken aback by her appearance.

Renae controls Moon Moon, a wolf, as Mackenzie switches to Esera and comments on her eyes. Mackenzie controls Danny, an anthropomorphic wolf, and has zoomed right up to its mouth. Renae also switches to Kathy and immediately wants to change avatars, saying that she looks scary, as Sydney switches to Ardalys and is excited by it. Mackenzie switches to Kathy, an anthropomorphic fox, and is rather disturbed by her, she immediately switches to another avatar. She wonders how she can control Octodad's mustache, which Renae already figures out, frowning and smiling to control Octodad. She then continues to have fun with it, while Molly switches to Octodad and is excited by it. Sydney is also controlling Lord Burger, opening and closing her eyes, as Mackenzie makes all sorts of dragon-y sounds with Ardalys. Molly switches to Lord Burger and calls it the coolest thing ever, she then notices that its teeth is mustard. She very much enjoys it, calling it the best game ever. Mackenzie switches to Ardalys and is taken aback at what it is, a dragon. Renae controls Machy, a cat, and bobs her head left to right, adoring its appearance. Mackenzie is controlling her as well, jiggling her breasts up and down. Molly controls Alya (Oktoberfest) as well and is disturbed at the physics of her breasts. Renae controls Sapurrrai, a cat with a samurai helmet, adoring its cute appearance, as Sydney controls Alya (Oktoberfest) and gets embarrassed at what she does. Mackenzie controls Alya's body to show the inside, as it is see through, rotating it at various angles. Sydney and Molly are both controlling Alya as well, Molly making a noise and laughs at herself. The video begins with Mackenzie controlling Alya, sticking her tongue out and laughing at herself. It had Renae, Sydney, Mackenzie, and Molly participating in the video. The first part was uploaded on December 5th, 2014 and was the 195th video uploaded onto the channel.